Acting Director of the UKK Research Center at UKK
BS holds the Chair for Genome Stability in Ageing and Disease at the CECAD Research Centre in UKK. So far, BS was granted an ERC starting grant, has coordinated the FP7-PEOPLE-ITN “CodeAge” and participated in several ITN programmes. BS has supervised 5 PhD students with important publications. His work focuses on understanding how DNA damage drives ageing. His current group (6 PhD students and 8 postdocs) utilizes the C. elegans system to investigate the links between DNA damage and longevity. ORCID: 0000-0001-6097-5238
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Phone: | +49 221 478 84202 |
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JA is currently professor at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale in Lausanne, Switzerland, where he heads a research group that uses systems physiology and genetics to understand the link between transcription, mitochondria, metabolism, and ageing. JA has participated in several European networks and has supervised >20 PhD students and postdoctoral scientists. JA has won the 2017 Helmholtz Diabetes Award, the 2016 Marcel Benoist Prize, the Jacobeus Award from the NovoNordisk Foundation and the Danone International Prize for Nutrition. JA has published his work in prestigious journals, including Nature, Cell and Science and is an editorial board member of several journals, including Cell Metabolism, Molecular Systems Biology, The EMBO Journal, Journal of Cell Biology, Cell, and Science. ORCID: 0000-0002-5065-5393
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EN is a Professor of Molecular Neurobiology of Ageing and scientific deputy-director of the European Research Institute for the Biology of Ageing, University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG), and the University of Groningen (RUG), The Netherlands. EN is affiliated with the graduate schools of “Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience” and “Groningen Institute for Dug Exploration” and member of the education committee of the Graduate School of Medical Sciences. EN is coordinator of the track ‘Biology of Ageing’ for the master Biomedical Sciences. She has received an ERC starting grant (PDcontrol 2012) and an EMBO Young Investigator award. EN has successfully supervised 6 PhD students and has published several high-impact publications. She has served as an organiser and invited speaker in several leading international conferences and workshops. Researchgate ID: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ellen_Nollen.
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NT is the Chairman of the Board at FORTH and Professor of Molecular Systems Biology at the Medical School of the University of Crete. He is the Director of the Medical School Graduate Programme on Bioinformatics and is also heading the Neurogenetics and Ageing laboratory of IMBB. He is an elected member of the ERC Scientific Council, EMBO, and Academia Europaea. He has been awarded two ERC Advanced Investigator Grants, and an ERC Proof of Concept Grant. NT is the recipient of the EMBO Young Investigator award, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel research award, the Galien Scientific Research Award and the Helmholtz International Fellow Award. NT has supervised more than 20 PhD students and postdoctoral scientists. His research focuses on the molecular mechanisms of neurodegeneration, and the interplay between cellular metabolism and ageing. ORCID: 0000-0002-5253-1466
Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (IMBB-FORTH)
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Phone: | +30 2810391066 |
Fax: | +30 2810391067 |

MH is Full Professor of Biochemistry, since 1992, and former Chair of Biochemistry at the Biozentrum of the University of Basel. MH is currently the corresponding Principle Investigator of an ERC Synergy grant (MERiC 2014) and has been continuously funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation since 1988. MH is an elected member the US National Academy of Sciences, the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences, and EMBO. MH has received numerous awards, including the Louis-Jeantet Prize for Medicine (2009), the Marcel Benoist Prize for Sciences or Humanities (2012), the Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences (2014), the Canada Gairdner International Award (2015), and the Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award (2017) and serves on several editorial/scientific advisory boards. ORCID: 0000-0002-7734-4548

EG is the head of the Institute for Research on Cancer and Ageing in Nice (IRCAN). EG is internationally recognized and respected in the field of telomere research. His team has been several times at the forefront in the discovery of factors in telomeres such as TRF2 in the 1990’s, Apollo or of new concepts such as telomeric topology or recently the extra-telomeric functions of TRF2 in neuronal biology, immunosurveillance and angiogenesis. He is member of EMBO and Academia Europaea. His strong involvement in ageing research led him to organize in 2015 the Jacques Monod conference on “Comparative Biology of Ageing” and to coordinate the cross-cutting Inserm programme on ageing: “from AGEd cells to MEDical applications”. He has published 212 articles in prestigious high-impact journals and has an h-index 58.
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Phone: | +33 0493377088 |
Fax: | +33 0493377676 |
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Professor, University of Crete
GG is a Professor of Genetics at the department of Developmental and Functional Biology at FORTH and the University of Crete. GG is a member of two graduate programmes at the Department of Biology and at the Medical School of the University of Crete. GG is an EMBO Young Investigator and a recipient of ERC consolidator grant (DeFiNER 2014). GG has successfully coordinated an FP7-Marie Curie Training network (HealthAge-ITN 2012-2016) and a National research and training network on Ageing (GenAge) and has participated in several European Training networks e.g. Codeage, Marriage, Chromatin3D. GG has successfully supervised the thesis of 8 PhD students and has published several high-impact publications. He has earned two international patents and is regularly invited as a speaker in international workshops and conferences. ORCID: 0000-0002-3200-5004
Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (IMBB-FORTH)
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Phone: | +30 2810391246 |
Fax: | +30 2810391101 |

YS is a Myers Professor of Cancer Genetics and a Research Professor of the Israel Cancer Research Fund, at the Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University. He is a member of The Israel National Academy of Sciences and Humanities and won the 2005 EMET Prize in Life Sciences, the 2011 American Association of Cancer Research G.H.A. Clowes Award, the 2011 Israel Prize in Life Sciences and the 2015 Olav Thon Prize in Natural Sciences and Medicine (Oslo, Norway). PubMed currently lists 224 publications that have received more than 24,825 citations (h-index=69). In the past 32 years he has trained more than 100 graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.
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Assistant Professor in the Department of Fundamental Neurosciences in the Faculty of Biology and Medicine
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Phone: | +30 2810391988 |
Fax: | +30 2810391101 |
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LS is Professor of Biochemistry at the Department of Biology at the University of Padua and Scientific Director of the Venetian Institute of Molecular Medicine in Padua. LS sits in the steering committee of the graduate School in Biosciences of the University of Padua. LS is an EMBO Member and was a recipient of ERC consolidator grant (ERMITO 2012). LS has successfully coordinated several multicentric grants in Switzerland (Synergia), Italy (Telethon Programme Project) and internationally (Leducq Foundation Transatlantic Network of Excellence). LS has received several Prizes and Awards (e.g. European Society of Clinical Investigation 2013; Eppendorf Young Investigator 2006), published several high-impact publications, chaired Keystone, Gordon, EMBO and FEBS Conferences, successfully supervised the thesis of 22 PhD students and now supervises 5. LS has been invited as a speaker to more than 220 meetings and conferences (43 plenary, named, featured or keynote addresses). LS sits in advisory boards and chairs the EMBO Fellowship Committee. ORCID: 0000-0002-8515-8928
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MS leads the Cell Plasticity and Disease Group at the Molecular Medicine Programme in Barcelona. He has authored to date 226 papers, 18 of which are highly cited ones (>300 cites), his H-index is 65. He has accomplished important scientific contributions to the understanding of Ageing from different perspectives: Cancer & Ageing, Metabolism & Ageing, Regeneration & Ageing. MS has been the recipient of two ERC Advanced Grants (CANCER&AGEING and CELLPLASTICITY) and is a member in six EU consortiums. He is an inventor in three granted international patents and has supervised 21 doctoral theses and 20 postdoctoral fellows. He is an EMBO member and the seating president of the International Cell Senescence Association (ICSA). ORCID: 0000-0002-7177-9312
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Phone: | +34 93 40 20287 |
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MS leads the Cell Plasticity and Disease Group at the Molecular Medicine Programme in Barcelona. He has authored to date 226 papers, 18 of which are highly cited ones (>300 cites), his H-index is 65. He has accomplished important scientific contributions to the understanding of Ageing from different perspectives: Cancer & Ageing, Metabolism & Ageing, Regeneration & Ageing. MS has been the recipient of two ERC Advanced Grants (CANCER&AGEING and CELLPLASTICITY) and is a member in six EU consortiums. He is an inventor in three granted international patents and has supervised 21 doctoral theses and 20 postdoctoral fellows. He is an EMBO member and the seating president of the International Cell Senescence Association (ICSA). ORCID: 0000-0002-7177-9312
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SS has invented the DNA Repair assay concept (4 patents) and she is the co-founder, CEO and R&D Manager of LXRepair. She will supervise and coordinate the project for LXRepair. She has spent 14 years in a diagnostic company before joining the LAN Lab at CEA and deciding to develop technologies with the aim to bring DNA Repair to the clinics. She has completed 6 PhD supervisions, and managed more than 10 postdocs and several industrial projects. In addition, she participated in European and national projects in the fields of DNA damage and DNA Repair (ESCODD, COMICS).
Linkedin: https://fr.linkedin.com/in/sylvie-sauvaigo-79776515.
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LA is Associate professor at the University of Athens. LA has received postdoctoral training at the Harvard medical school and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. LA is the CEO of ProtATonce. LA has received the “Best Practice Award” Bio-IT word conference and expo and has more than 10 years of experience in biomedical industry. LA has supervised several PhD students and postdoctoral scientists, holds a US patent on “Identification of Drug effects on Signaling Pathways” (US 61/264,101), has organized several conferences and is being frequently invited in international workshops.
LinkedIn: https://gr.linkedin.com/in/leoalexopoulos.
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Phone: | UK: +44 (0) 1223 803 801 / GR: +30 210 9610307 |
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MC is CEO and co-founder at Nagi Bioscience and inventor of its innovative microfluidic-based technology. MC is a physics engineer by training with a specialization in micro-nanotechnologies. MC completed his PhD at EPFL in microsystems for bio-medical applications. His work has led to >25 scientific publications and to the development of the core patents Nagi Bioscience. Over the last 10 years, MC has regularly trained several master and PhD students as well as postdoctoral scientists in the fields of microfluidics and C. elegans-based screening.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matteocornaglia/
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